This is a useful tool for both problem determination and for general analysis of what is happening in DB2. 该工具可用于进行问题诊断以及对DB2中发生的事件进行一般分析。
Have the ability to make general analysis and judgment, good command of writing skills and able to work independently. 具有较强的综合分析、判断和文字撰写能力,并具备独立工作能力。
General analysis of some administrative penalization cases and the relevant proposals on the management related thereto 对行政处罚案件的综合分析及管理建议
General analysis could accurately show the direct relations between two variables in grape wine. 通径分析&能够准确地反应出葡萄酒中两个变量之间的直接作用;
Partial Monopoly is General Analysis to Chinese Industrial Organization of Circulation& And An Answer to Doctor Mao Wei 局部垄断是对中国流通产业组织的概括分析&答毛伟博士的质疑
Institution Expectation and Multiple-men Game; General Analysis on the Influences of Institutional Changes on Corporate Culture Changes 制度预期与多方博弈&国家助学贷款政策变革历程的制度变迁分析浅析制度变迁对企业文化变迁的影响
A General Analysis of Deficiency and Improvement of Court Mediation System 略论我国法院调解制度的不足及完善
Let's make a general analysis of the material. 我们来对材料作一个大概的分析。
A totally general analysis of the Op-Amp is beyond the scope of some texts. 对运算放大器进行详尽地分析超出了本书的范围。
A General Analysis on the Transformation of Rhetorical Sentences Forms in Classical Chinese and Modern Vernacular before and after May Fourth Movement 五四前后反问句形式文白转变分析
General Analysis for Construction Technology of Highway Tunnel with Small Interval 软弱围岩小净距公路隧道施工技术分析研究
A general analysis method of piled raft foundation under vertical loading was presented based on the results of piled raft foundation with rigid cap under the same loading condition. 根据已有的竖向荷载下刚性板桩筏基础分析结果提出了一种竖向荷载下桩筏基础的通用分析方法。
General Analysis of Solid Wastes Reduction and Recycle of Domestic Iron and Steel Industry during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period 对十一五我国钢铁行业固体废弃物减量化和循环利用的综述分析
General Analysis on the Influences of Institutional Changes on Corporate Culture Changes 迁移现有公用事业设施浅析制度变迁对企业文化变迁的影响
On the basis of general analysis and summary, some valuable reference for the development and improvement of evidence method are provided. 在此总结分析了相关的国内外典型文献的改进思想,并进行系统条理的分析,为证据理论的发展和改进提供了有价值的参考。
Based on a general analysis of the concept of "demand" in economics, the article explores the definition and nature of demand for higher education, and analyses the type, characteristics, and correlative factors of individual demand for higher education. 摘要在对经济学范畴“需求”的一般分析基础上,本文阐释了高等教育需求的定义及其特征,剖析了高等教育个人需求的类型、特点和影响因素。
General Analysis Software Design of Aeroengine Internal Air System 航空发动机内流空气系统通用分析软件设计
A General Analysis of the Bilingual Education and Speak Mandarin Campaign in Singapore From a Psycholinguistic Point of View 从心理语言学的角度浅析新加坡双语教育和推广华语运动
The general analysis on the impact of engineering property, rolling parameter and rolling mode on the compaction quality of gravel material can provide reference for similar engineering construction. 概要分析砂砾石料的工程性质、碾压参数和碾压方式对砂砾石料压实质量的影响,可为类似工程施工提供参考。
Viewpoints on the Sexes Hidden in Text& A General Analysis of Yi Folk Long Lyric Mum s Daughter in the view of social sexes; 文本背后的性别观&社会性别视角下的彝族民间抒情长诗《妈妈的女儿》
General analysis on the bottle neck factors during the process of executive stock options in China Analysis on the Effective Conditions of the Implement of ESO 我国股票期权实施中的瓶颈因素与对策分析经理股票期权制度实施的有效性条件分析
The Kjeldahl is a general analysis method for determining nitrogen in rubber. 凯氏定氮法是测定橡胶中氮含量的常规分析方法。
By means of the optimality principles of the dynamic programming, this paper has given a general analysis of the coordination and the continual operation in a steel mill. 炼钢厂的均衡,连续作业是十分重要的问题。本文首先利用动态规划最优化原理对该问题作了一般性分析。
To make a final diagnosis of suppurative spondylitis depends on general analysis based on these points. 对于确诊化脓性脊椎炎需要综合分析方可避免漏诊、误诊。
To distinguish real friends from real enemies, we must make a general analysis of the economic status of the various classes in Chinese society and of their respective attitudes towards the revolution. 我们要分辨真正的敌友,不可不将中国社会各阶级的经济地位及其对于革命的态度,作一个大概的分析。
This is the general analysis on basic theory of working right, which forms the foundation of the whole article. 这就是对工作权的基本理论的普遍性的求证,这部分构成整个文章的基石。
A general analysis of MC method and technology in project management ( PM) is proposed in Chapter Two. 第二章企业项目管理中的MC方法与技术的总体分析。
This paper uses the NPV and two points method to build a general analysis system for prediction of cost and benefit of a medical equipment project. 本研究采用净现值和两点分析法,建立了通用分析模型系统,对医疗设备项目的成本效益的统一规范的分析进行的有益的尝试。